Friday, December 22, 2017

The Olivet Discourse (Summary from last week)

The Olivet Discourse (Summary from last week)
Jesus is answering two questions.
He answered in reverse order of how they were asked (Chiasm).
A. Q1 When will these things take place
B. Q2 What will be the signs of your coming and the end of the age
B. A2 What will be the signs
A. A1When will it happen
Click HERE for the rest

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Rapture and the Olivet Discourse

Here are two articles on the Olivet Discourse to be reviewed.

A Defense of the Pretribulational Rapture
in Matthew 24:36–44
John F. Hart
Professor of Bible
Moody Bible Institute
Chicago, IL

Matthew 24:31: Rapture Or Second Coming?
Dr. Thomas Ice


The Olivet Discourse (Summary from last week)

The Olivet Discourse (Summary from last week) Jesus is answering two questions. He answered in reverse order of how they were asked (...